Stronghold, royal dower house, place of learning: Kirchheim Palace has had a rich and varied history. Many characters played a part in municipal and courtly life in Kirchheim unter Teck.
Kirchheim unter Teck was designated as one of Württemberg's strongholds in 1538. It was part of a new defense plan, designed by Duke Ulrich von Württemberg. The duke focused on seven strategically important locations: the hill castles at Hohentübingen, Hohenurach, Hohenneuffen, Hohenasperg and Hohentwiel, and the two towns of Schorndorf and Kirchheim. Over the course of the 17th century, Kirchheim lost its military value and became hopelessly outdated.
Duke Carl Eugen hunted in the forests around Kirchheim regularly. When he and his hunting party came to Kirchheim, there was always much activity in the tranquil town. All of the duke's subjects were involved in organizing the hunt, accommodating guests and providing entertainment. This work was compulsory and they were not compensated.
In return for a duchess' dowry, the marriage contract would provide for a dower house. This consisted of one or more palaces and grounds. The widow was then entitled to the taxes and services from that area. Kirchheim Palace is one of the best-known and most well-preserved ducal dower houses in all of Württemberg. Since the 17th century, six dowager duchesses have spent their final years here.
After the death of the last dowager duchess in 1857, her furnishings were auctioned off. Only the caretaker continued to live in the palace. The outbuildings and gardens were leased. In 1922, the local history museum moved into the palace chapel. During national socialism, the museum was used by the Nazi Party (the NSDAP) and displayed national socialist history. Since 1947, the palace has housed the teachers' college, now the learning center. The best ducal living areas are open to visitors.